Those who would like to make a personal response to the PST proposal can write to: Rev. Msgr. William Fay (Co-chair of the Pastoral Planning Commission), St. Columbkille Parish, 321 Market St., Brighton, Mass. 02135-2126 and Rev. Msgr. Robert Deeley (Vicar General of the Archdiocese of Boston) Pastoral Center, 66 Brooks Drive, Braintree, Mass. 02184- 3839. You can also go to the following website in order to make a response to the proposal: Notice that the response form assumes that the PST will be imposed.
St. Brendan's parish council, after considering comments submitted by parishioners, has prepared a response to the Pastoral Service Teams proposal that will be sent to his Eminence, Séan Cardinal O'Malley.
Parish Response to the Pastoral Service Teams proposal
The details regarding the pastoral plan proposed by the Pastoral Planning Commission are included in this information packet from the Cardinal's office.